Five Yummy things
1. Italian Food
2. Mexican food
3. Gary
4. Chocolate
5. Coffee
Five Songs I Know by Heart
1. Fairytale of New York
2. The Asshole song
3. Hey Santa ( Kevin Bloody Wilson)
4. Doodle do :P
5. Most of the cbeebies theme tunes
Five Things I'd Do with a Lot of Money
without meaning to copy dan !!
1. Design and Build my dream home
2. Pay all my debts, and bills into the future
3. Give my Family and Friends money
4. Buy horses, start retraining damaged horses
5. Start an animal rescue for exotics
Five Places I Would Escape
1. Gib
2. The Downs
3. New Forest
4. Into my head
5 No more !!
Five Things I Would Never Wear
1. Skimpy tops
2. Short skirts
3. Leather kinky stuff
4. Bikini
5. Knee high boots
Five Favorite TV Shows
1. Two pints
2. Cold feet
3. C4 racing
4. Peak practice
5. The Real hustle
Five Things I Enjoy Doing
1. Chatting on BMC
2. Reading
3. Writing
4. Being alone
5. Sleeping
Five Favorite Toys
Refuse to answer !!
Nonsenses Working Overtime
Inconsistent, contradictory and patronising. No, it's not Swindon Borough
Council's new mission statement, but it's apparent application of the
guidelines ...
2 years ago
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