This has actually made me snigortle a bit !! Only a man !!!
Nonsenses Working Overtime
Inconsistent, contradictory and patronising. No, it's not Swindon Borough
Council's new mission statement, but it's apparent application of the
guidelines ...
2 years ago
hehe... I've read that story before. It's still funny!
BTW, my hubby was tased at work. When he was first trained how to use a taser, they asked the officers to be tased (only if they wanted to) so they could know exactly what the suspects would feel if they ever had to tase them. My hubby did it so if he ever had to testify in court about tasing someone he would know exactly what it was like. He said it hurt like crazy and he'll never do it again. He said that one female officer got tased and claims that it is worse than childbirth. I say that she's crazy or was very drugged up during childbirth. At least a taser only lasts a minute or two. Childbirth can last for hours... or even days. I was in labor with my 4th baby for 3 freakin' days before he was finally born. *ahhh.... good times! lol*
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