DHL are supposed to have delivered a parcel to me friday, waited in all day long for said parcel, by 5 pm still no sign of them so I ring them
' Sorry its not been delivered today '
No shit sherlock ! So I ask what they are going to do about it.
' Well I suppose we will have to deliver it on Monday now'
Errrr ok so you were supposed to deliver it Friday and you didn't and now you 'suppose' you will have to deliver it MONDAY !
' well we can't deliver it Saturday cos theres no premium been paid to deliver it on a saturday ' !
WTF !! You did not deliver it when you said you would end of, so bloody deliver it saturday !
' Well you could always come and collect it yourself we are open until 1pm on saturdays '
AAAGGGGHHHHHH you are a DELIVERY company FFS. Fucking deliver will you
But nonetheless we set off this morning through the Saturday traffic, and pouring rain, to the other side of town, arrived at the depot following the directions given me by the woman on the phone, only to be told, 'Sorry you are at the wrong depot' the woman there gave me a map and directions to get to the other depot, not far thank god, arrived there at 12.05 to discover the fucking bastard doors are fucking locked and they fucking shut at 11.30 am !!!!
So thanks very much DHL you bunch of KNOB JOCKEYS . Now I have to arrange for someone o stay in all day on Monday as I am out all day and what do you want to bet the tossers will not turn up AGAIN !!!!!
Nonsenses Working Overtime
Inconsistent, contradictory and patronising. No, it's not Swindon Borough
Council's new mission statement, but it's apparent application of the
guidelines ...
2 years ago
You love it really... And we usually use, erm... the green and yellow vans. I forget their name now.
But we use them ;)
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