Friday, February 06, 2009

My op ... bit gruesome so perhaps not for the fainthearted :D

Been an interesting time lol. Got picked up by the transport yesterday morning, which was a miracle initself as the weather was pants. Got to Bristol just after 10am. Went to cardiology dept and they said to take a seat and they would be back for me about 11.30 ...... yeah right it was 2.45 pm before they arrived for me Took them three attempts to get the venflon in, my veins not being the best in the world!!

Op itself was a very weird experience. I was awake yet heavily sedated, so although I could feel them doing it, was off with the fairies!!They made a cut in my chest, through which they threaded the wires, which went in via a vein to my heart, one lead to each ventricle. They then made a 'pouch' by cutting the skin just below my collar bone, this was when things got really weird as I could feel them moving and pushing the pouch to insert the ICD. They then connected the wires to the ICD and switched it on.

They then induced my heart into Venticular fibrillation, or in simple terms stopped the ventricles from beating so the ICD could do its job. They did warn me that it was a bit like being punched or kicked in the chest, .... they were fibbing, its like being kicked by a ruddy elephant!!! They then stitched me up and off to the ward.

All went well, except they had given me mega doses of morphine and unfortunatly it has a rather horrible effect on me, so spent half an hour throwing up . Had quite a peaceful night then this morning all hellbroke loose. First they said I couldn't have transport due to snow, then said I could but it would be between 2pm and 8pm, then changed their minds again and withdrew that!! Eventually had no choice but to get a train. Got taxi up to Bristol Temple meads station, then onto train. Whilst on train two british transport police wandered along, so nabbed one, explained the problem, showed him my discharge letter and meds and even offered to show him the would (he refused ) and he very kindly got off the train with me, carried my bags and escorted me all the way down to the taxi What a nice man!! Taxi driver was prompted by my very nice policeman to carry my bags at this end, and Gary came dashing out to meet us.

I have a dressing over the wound, which camn be removed tommorow Stitches should dissolve in a week or so, and am on 'take it easy' rules for 6 weeks at least woohoo I get out of doing the night shifts and school runs!!!

Thank you all for all your good wishes and healing vibes, been much appreciated. xxxxxxxx


kaybee352000 said...

and you make sure you do rest for the 6 weeks Mrs or you will have me to deal with..... Try and do too much too soon and you will know it take it from one who knows xxxx

Posh Totty said...

Was thinking of you no end darling and Im with Kymm on this, make sure you keep resting and make a full recovery, even if you feel fine.